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Mary Heitz


Hello! I am Mary and I am an RN, BSN and a Certified Lactation Consultant (CLC). I graduated from Roberts Wesleyan College with my Bachelors in Science in Nursing in 2019 and worked as an RN in Western New York until relocating to Tennessee for my husband's work. While I miss working in the hospital setting, I find the most joy and meaning working with families in our community. 

I gave birth to my son in the Spring of 2020 and began my breastfeeding journey. Breastfeeding did not come easily for me and resources were limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I began to research everything I could about breastfeeding and by the end of 2020 I began acting as a peer support for others. My passion surrounding breastfeeding grew and I became a CLC. 


I am a proud mama to two inquisitive children. When I am not chasing my toddler or answering my preschooler's many questions, I enjoy reading, sewing, and soaking up sunshine. 

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